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Make Money as a Life Coach®

Aug 28, 2024

The problem most coaches face when they go out into the world to sell their offer—whether it’s their first-ever client or they’re branching out into new containers—is the discomfort of not being perfect. If you’re in the thick of your brain convincing you that no one will ever buy your offers, you’re in luck...

Aug 21, 2024

As coaches, we all deeply desire to be in demand, feel purposeful, and have a wave of people coming to us for help. However, what often keeps us from achieving this is an inability to balance the self-focused energy of entrepreneurship with the service-based energy of coaching. When these two sides are out of alignment,...

Aug 14, 2024

Are you ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship, but feeling held back by fear and uncertainty, wishing there was some kind of guarantee for your success? The truth is, becoming the person who can guarantee your own success is the key to thriving as an entrepreneur and making your dreams a reality.


Discover what...

Aug 7, 2024

I recently had students in both of my containers express a fear of being shamed for selling and making offers. I know all too well what it’s like to be made fun of and have derogatory opinions about you thrown around, and I’ve got some thoughts that I encourage you to borrow if this fear is holding you back.

